nail groove

美 [neɪl ɡruːv]英 [neɪl ɡruːv]
  • 钉槽;甲沟,爪沟
nail groovenail groove
  1. We think the reconstructed nail groove is a favorable method in clinic practice .


  2. Conclusion : Nail groove plasty has less trauma , good effect , low recurrence rate and sure prostecdtive efficacy , it is an ideal operative mode to treat acronyx .


  3. Conclusion Treatment of ingrown toenail by means of cutting off and reconstructing nail groove is a favorable method .


  4. A study of reconstruct nail groove in ingrown toenail Extraction of Nail Combined With Laser to Cure Obstinate Ingrown Nail Radically


  5. The nail grows in a groove called a sulcus at the side of the nail .


  6. Partial excision of nail plate , onychostroma combined with reconstruction of nail groove for the treatment of severe ingrowing nail


  7. Treatment of Ingrown Nail with Partial Excision of Nail Plate and Reconstruction of Nail Groove
